Project Name: New Parliament House Project/ Design and Construction
Project Narrative
The Lao National Assembly is the representative of the rights, powers and interests of the multi-ethnic people. It is also the legislative branch that has the right to make decisions on fundamental issues of the country, and to oversee the activities of the executive organs, the people’s courts and the Office of the Public Prosecutor. Therefore, the Lao National Parliament building serves as an important home and workplace for the leaders of the Lao people. It is a meeting place for members of the National Assembly and a symbol of Laos.
Laos has been experiencing big changes in the last several years. It has been almost 40 years now since the First Legislature of the Supreme People’s Assembly to the present day with the number of members of the National Assembly has been constantly increasing, the current National Parliament building is unable to cope with new demands regarding its existing conditions, uses, functions, security, technology, and etc. For the instance, the condition of the existing building is at the point where molding grows continuously due to old-age, poor maintenance and building leakage from windows and roofing systems. As a result, the need for a new parliament building design is essential and necessary to cope with the new demand of today’s National Assembly and for the nation in preparing to play an important role in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).
The Government of Lao PDR has received a grant fund to finance “Construction of the New Parliament House Project which is to strengthen working spaces, scalability and administrative structures cable to manage a future demand in next 50 years.
Fund Sources
Granted by Vietnam Government
Overall Contract Amount
Project Owner / Counter Part
National Assembly (Lao Government)
Associated Firm / Partner
Oriental Consultants Global (OCG)

(Activities photos)
What Mekong consultant Co., Ltd contributes
– Supervision assistant service
– Provide National Expert
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Aug 2018 – Jun 2021
Project Status under Mekong Consultants Co., Ltd